Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Too Many texans waiting for food stamps

The author of this editorial was explaining how he felt as if Texas was letting its people suffer hunger when we have the power to feed those in hunger. I agree with the author that he feels that food stamps are being processed at an extremely slow rate due to the fact that they are not taking it seriously enough and putting their act together. I feel that we deserve better and asking for a simple food stamps to be processed for those in desperate of need for them is a small necesity to ask for but our leaders are concerned with other pointless matters. It makes me feel very irritated to know that the process rate for the new applicants for food stamps was under 50% for this year. It shows and makes it seems that Texas doesnt care for its people nor what happens to them. It is explained that there is a huge shortage of state workers and he problem appears to be a act of the legislature's efforts to make an exclusive government program that was working well.

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