Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tragic reminder

This editorial as shown on this link http://www.statesman.com/opinion/content/editorial/stories/2009/09/22/0922hu_edit.html,
is worth reading because it discusses the matters and reminds us as well that we seem to have forgotten the most important things in life when something else comes out in front of us. What occurs in this article explains how a father accidentally causes his 18 month child to die in a hot car because he had many things come up at him. He drove past the day care as he would usually drop off his child but a bill call came up on him and he began to think about the bill wondering that he already paid it. In doing so he left his child in the car for hours in the intensive temperature that caused the child to die. Have we really been occupied with so much stuff in our lives that we begin to fail at doing our most important responsibilities? It goes more in depth of the punishments that the father, Kesen Hu, may face as stated in the link.